Topic: Abadan ,Abadi bano begum, aabe hayat,aab dast,aab e zam zam Syed Qasim Mahmood (17 November 1928 – 31 March 2010) was an intellectual and Urdu short story writer, novelist, editor, publisher, translator and foremost encyclopedist . He compiled fifteen encyclopedias and one dictionary and left seven encyclopedias uncompleted, produced three collections of short stories, wrote one novel, one novelette, and five dramas for Radio Pakistan, wrote story of one film, Baghi Spahi (rebel army man), translated masterpieces of international fiction, science & technology, edited nine literary and social magazines and brought forth nine scientific and literary magazines. From his publishing companies, he published 211 Scientific and literary books, wrote many articles on literature, science, politics and sociology in national newspapers and magazines. His lifelong mission was to spread knowledge and literature in his country through writing and publishing books & magazines where literacy rate is below normal. His jihad was against ignorance, illiteracy and fanaticism. Islamic Encyclopedia is one of his big achievements.its honor for us that we are recording this treasure for you.
Voice: Irfan Bhatti
Riphah Radio FM 102.2
Executive producer Azhar Niaz #azharniaz
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